Newport Beach, CA
Air Barriers / New Construction / Sheet Membrane / Underslab Waterproofing / Below Grade Waterproofing / Below Grade Insulation / Underslab Vapor Barrier
Scope of work:
Bakersfield, CA
Spray Applied Membrane / Pedestrian Waterproofing / Polyurea / UV Exposed / Seamless
Scope of work:
Rolling Hills Estates, CA
Scope of work:
The Peninsula Center Library, was completed in 1967 and enlarged in 1995. After 25 years of service, it had many cracks, spalls, and leaks in their facility. 54,000 sq ft of Sikalastic 720 / 745 went down very fast and smoothly to the City's delight. They increased the budget to have us waterproof all the planters on site and install a 22-mil elastomeric wall coating system to their building
Santa Maria, CA
Scope of work:
These three buildings were leaking at the windows, glass and panels. The three buildings were sealed with Sika's silicone (SikaSil 295) sealant. We needed 6,500 sealant cartridges in 3 different colors and we were able to match it to the existing panels.
Culver City, CA
Scope of work:
The City Hall Garage is located in the heart of downtown Culver City. Angelus installed new expansion joints, sealants, and traffic coatings for the parking lot. It serves City Hall visitors and employees, theaters, a hotel, a hospital, restaurants, and farmers' market.
Santa Ana, CA
Scope of work:
The Orange County Central Justice Court seismic upgrades to structural and nonstructural components were completed to achieve a level of seismic performance consistent with the Trial Court Facilities Act of 2002. Nonstructural repairs made necessary by the retrofit triggered upgrades to accessibility and fire and life safety, as well as facility modifications. The construction work took place over 3 years in phases by zone and floor in order to keep the court building open to minimize disruption of cases and courtrooms.
Riverside, CA
Cerritos, CA
Scope of work:
The Cerritos Library’s architecture blends traditional and futuristic elements. With the traditional first floor featuring concrete, the futuristic upper floors are wrapped in maintenance-free titanium, the first public building in North America to use it.
Santa Ana, CA
Scope of work:
This Krypt facility offers colocation solutions in the 65,000 SF building. The UPS systems are N+1 redundant and the generators are N+1 redundant.
Long Beach, CA
Hayward, CA
Scope of work:
Angelus was selected to install the Air Barrier at Hayward's new 21st Century Library using Grace's Perm-A-Barrier VPL System.
San Mateo, CA
Scope of work:
Angelus completed this restoration and waterproofing project for the City of San Mateo. The work included major repairs to the existing surface: demo and removal; grinding and blasting; spall repairs; injection work; caulking; and new expansion joints. For the final playing surface, we applied Sikadur 22 lo mod epoxy overlay, waterproof membrane, followed by Sikalastic 720 and all the finish coats.
17762 Metzler Lane
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
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